Online & Mobile Banking Services Agreement and Disclosure Statement
(Includes Bill Payment Services)
Introduction and Registration
By signing and returning an application or completing ( for consumers only) the Retail online enrollment form (the “Application”) to subscribe to certain computer banking and related services offered by Rayne State Bank & Trust Company (the “Bank”) as described in this Online Banking Services Agreement and Disclosure Statement (this “Agreement”) and as otherwise made available by the Bank from time to time (“Online Banking Services”), you and any person authorized by you to use your Online Banking Services agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time.
Each time you use our Online Banking Service constitutes confirmation by you of your agreement to and understanding of the terms of this Agreement and any screens that appear on your computer when you sign on to the Bank Web site. This Agreement will be effective as of the date of your acceptance of this Agreement and as evidenced by our issuance of an initial password to you. Please read this Agreement carefully and keep it for future reference. This Agreement supplements the electronic funds transfer agreements and disclosures that you received previously when opening your Rayne State Bank & Trust Company depository account and/or contracting for other types of electronic transfer access for those accounts.